Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Rolley and Wally Update

In spite of his serious heart murmur, Rolley came through his dental surgery with flying colors! His foster dad Tom (of the pet sitting service "Pets are People Too") found him a wonderful new home with one of his clients, who had a place in her heart and home for the elderly guy. He has 3 canine buddies now, and plays with all of them as though he's a much younger dog!

Wally is presently in a foster home with another senior Dachshund, a tiny Yorkie, and a large older Aussie mix, and is getting along great with all of them! His wonderful new Vet, Dr. Lisa Piccioni, would like him to lose 2 more pounds before his dental surgery, for his own safety (he's 28.5 pounds now), so foster parents Richard & Yolanda have him on a diet and are taking him on brisk daily walks. He'll be our featured dog at this Sunday's Adoptathon!

Thanks to everyone who believed that Rolley & Wally deserved a chance to have happy lives and new loving homes, even in their senior years, and who generously donated to their medical fund!

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