Friday, September 30, 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

FW: Weekly Report and Stats [OR29]

Subject: Fw: Weekly Report and Stats [OR29]

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 7:02 PM
Subject: Weekly Report and Stats [OR29]

Dear Members,

In response to a significant increase in visitor traffic the past several weeks, we have been working around the clock performing system upgrades to meet the rising demand.

We have brought additional servers online in a brand new data center here on the East coast and will continue building out this cluster over the coming weeks and months to supplement and balance our primary setup in California. For those who are curious, this brings the total Petfinder system to 32 servers with a plan to almost double that in the upcoming months!

We are also beta-testing a new, more powerful search engine that is currently in limited production on the live site and should allow for much faster and more flexible searches. That translates to more visitors ; viewing more of your adoptable pets!

In addition, we want to send a huge thank you to everyone in the extended family for the outpouring of assistance to those affected by the recent hurricanes. We are continuously impressed and are proud to work collectively with all of you.

- Sara

############################ Access Report access report for: Shelter Animal Resource Alliance
Time Period: 2005-09-19 to 2005-09-25
Total Pet Views: 526

+++ Cats +++

> Lulu 42
> Lexi 31
> Karma 31
> Harpo and Groucho29
> Keely 27
> Bug 25
> Jelly Bean 20
> Marco and Polo 19
> Sam 15
> Oliver 12
> Tempest 9
> +++ Dogs +++
> Chica 85
> Maggie 68
> Gracie 53
> Kelly 39

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


If you are interesting in becoming a member of this blog or learning more about our organization please send an email to: We are new to blogging and welcome your comments! -webmaster

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

This is a test

We are testing a Blog (weblog) for our website . S.A.R.A. rescues shelter animals in Lane County, Oregon.

I am the webmaster for this site and would like to compare linking to a site like this versus hosting our own. Ideas?

/\ This is Duncan... He was adopted today from our Thrift Store/ cat adoption center in Eugene.